United Spirits Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript - Thomson StreetEvents

United Spirits Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript

United Spirits Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript - Thomson StreetEvents
United Spirits Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript
Published Jul 28, 2020
22 pages (14474 words) — Published Jul 28, 2020
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Edited Transcript of UNSP.NS earnings conference call or presentation 28-Jul-20 6:30am GMT

Brief Excerpt:

...Operator Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to the United Spirits Limited Q1 FY '21 Results Conference Call. (Operator Instructions) Please note that this conference is being recorded. I now hand the conference over to Mr. Anand Kripalu, Chief Executive Officer; and Mr. Sanjeev Churiwala, Chief Financial Officer from United Spirits Limited. Thank you, and over to you. Anand Kripalu ...

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United Spirits Ltd
6:30am GMT
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The following is excerpted from the question-and-answer section of the transcript.

(Questions from industry analysts are provided in full, but answers are omitted - download the transcript to see the full question-and-answer session)

Question: Amit Sinha - Macquarie Research - Analyst : My question was on the competitive intensity within the whiskey space. So just wanted to understand, I mean, is it fair to assume that the larger players and the bigger brands would have done well in the last 2 months or so? And yes, I mean, any color on market share, even if it is a very small period, will be helpful.

Question: Amit Sinha - Macquarie Research - Analyst : Sure. Sure. And in that context, I mean, how would have your franchisee? Because you very clearly mentioned that the franchisee income in the quarter was hit. And -- so given that these guys are smaller with lesser resources, overall, supply chain disruption would be much bigger. Is it fair to assume that in the near term, franchisee income will continue to be hit?

Question: Amit Sinha - Macquarie Research - Analyst : Yes. Sure. My second question was on your basically McDowell's No.1 renovation. And just wanted to ask, in how many states have you relaunched the new bottle? And how has been the consumer response to that?

Question: Amit Sinha - Macquarie Research - Analyst : Sure. Sir, just a very small bookkeeping question. So you mentioned that aging-related provision impacted the other expenses this quarter. Is it possible to share the number of this provision?

Question: Harit Kapoor - Investec Bank plc, Research Division - Analyst : I just had 2 questions. One was on the franchisee income again. So when you say that you booked INR 40 crores lower number this quarter, it would basically imply that the franchisee income is next to nothing in this quarter. In that context, I also wanted to check that are these very temporary arrangements now with the franchisee to support them? And once things get back to normal, you will kind of get back to your normal run rates on the franchisee income?

Question: Harit Kapoor - Investec Bank plc, Research Division - Analyst : Okay. My second question was on the new launches for No.1 and Royal Challenge. Is this change also to do with the mix in terms of the liquid? And if so, is this a more premium liquid mix that you've changed there or is it just a packaging and communication change?

Question: Vishal Biraia - Aviva Life Insurance Company India Ltd. - Analyst : Sir, a few questions. The first one is on -- what would be your capacity utilization for July? If you could give us some perspective there?

Question: Vishal Biraia - Aviva Life Insurance Company India Ltd. - Analyst : Okay. Sir, second question is pertaining to this -- for this quarter, we would have seen higher sales in the (inaudible) semi-urban market and rural market as compared to the metro, which was shut due to lockdown. So is there a shift that you would see that some of these customers who are in the semi-urban India or rural India are demanding a different kind of product or -- the premiumization that could have happened has not happened because of this geographical change in distribution or it is still -- it is just because of COVID that people are down-trading? REFINITIV STREETEVENTS | www.refinitiv.com | Contact Us consent of Refinitiv. 'Refinitiv' and the Refinitiv logo are registered trademarks of Refinitiv and its affiliated companies. JULY 28, 2020 / 6:30AM, UNSP.NS - Q1 2021 United Spirits Ltd Earnings Call

Question: Vishal Biraia - Aviva Life Insurance Company India Ltd. - Analyst : Just one last question on the receivables. Could you give some perspective as to what is the increase, if at all, in the receivables from the states as of 30th of June?

Question: Vishal Biraia - Aviva Life Insurance Company India Ltd. - Analyst : So when you say reduction, this is from 31st March to 30th of June, that is -- these are the reference points?

Question: Abhishek Joshi - CGS-CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. - Analyst : So a few weeks back, our parent company, Diageo, had announced that (technical difficulty)

Question: Abhishek Joshi - CGS-CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. - Analyst : Yes. Can you hear me now?

Question: Abhishek Joshi - CGS-CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. - Analyst : So a few weeks back, Johnnie Walker -- sorry, Diageo had announced that they would be selling Johnnie Walker in paper bottle. So would we be doing the same for McDowell's brand next year? Like any thoughts behind this? And how does it -- if yes, then how does it impact gross margins compared to No.1?

Question: Abhishek Joshi - CGS-CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. - Analyst : So what would be the contribution of our sell from tetra pack in the normal times?

Table Of Contents

United Spirits Ltd Q1 2022 Earnings Call Transcript – 2021-07-26 – US$ 54.00 – Edited Transcript of UNSP.NS earnings conference call or presentation 26-Jul-21 6:30am GMT

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United Spirits Ltd Q3 2021 Earnings Call Transcript – 2021-01-28 – US$ 54.00 – Edited Transcript of UNSP.NS earnings conference call or presentation 28-Jan-21 6:30am GMT

United Spirits Ltd Q2 2021 Earnings Call Transcript – 2020-11-05 – US$ 54.00 – Edited Transcript of UNSP.NS earnings conference call or presentation 5-Nov-20 6:30am GMT

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Thomson StreetEvents. "United Spirits Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript" Jul 28, 2020. Alacra Store. May 16, 2024. <http://www.alacrastore.com/thomson-streetevents-transcripts/Q1-2021-United-Spirits-Ltd-Earnings-Call-T13276452>
Thomson StreetEvents. (2020). United Spirits Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript Jul 28, 2020. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved May 16, 2024 from <http://www.alacrastore.com/thomson-streetevents-transcripts/Q1-2021-United-Spirits-Ltd-Earnings-Call-T13276452>
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