Can Fin Homes Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript - Thomson StreetEvents

Can Fin Homes Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript

Can Fin Homes Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript - Thomson StreetEvents
Can Fin Homes Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript
Published Aug 27, 2020
38 pages (21766 words) — Published Aug 27, 2020
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Edited Transcript of CNFH.NS earnings conference call or presentation 27-Aug-20 9:30am GMT

Brief Excerpt:

...Pooja Ahuja;Equentis Wealth Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd.;Investment Analyst Prasanna Surpuriya;Validus Wealth;Deputy VP Rahul Nair;SBI Mutual Fund;Research Analyst Rahul Picha;Multi-Act India;Senior Research Associate Rohan Mandora ...

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Can Fin Homes Ltd
9:30am GMT
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The following is excerpted from the question-and-answer section of the transcript.

(Questions from industry analysts are provided in full, but answers are omitted - download the transcript to see the full question-and-answer session)

Question: Aswin Balasubramanian - Hsbc Asset Management (India) Private Limited - Analyst : Yes. Just to more understand on this 14% number, which is not based for 6 months. So I mean, if you can give some color in terms of like these customers, is it mainly self-employed customers who have not been able to restart their business? Or is it like salaried customers who have had REFINITIV STREETEVENTS | | Contact Us consent of Refinitiv. 'Refinitiv' and the Refinitiv logo are registered trademarks of Refinitiv and its affiliated companies. AUGUST 27, 2020 / 9:30AM, CNFH.NS - Q1 2021 Can Fin Homes Ltd Earnings Call job losses and so on? And in that case, like how will you approach the post-moratorium period? I mean, would you be like restructuring these loans going forward or I mean, what would be the approach you would take in order to recover these loans? So that's my first question. And the second question is on the remaining 14% that you said, that's part payment. So that, again, is it like the trend is improving from the second morat onwards? Or is it more like there are customers who paid in March and April and then have again slipped closer to June or so or something like that?

Question: Aswin Balasubramanian - Hsbc Asset Management (India) Private Limited - Analyst : And in terms of your yield, which is on your book, which is about 10%. I mean, despite 90% being housing loans, so like -- I mean when do these loans like repaid, I'm assuming most of them will be floating rate loans. So I mean, like, what would be the nature -- because the banks today are offering at maybe, let's say, 7% or so. So from that perspective, like what -- how quickly would this reprice?

Question: Aswin Balasubramanian - Hsbc Asset Management (India) Private Limited - Analyst : Okay. And what would be the incremental cost at which you'll be borrowing from banks, sir, as of today?

Question: Shubhranshu Mishra - BOB Capital Markets Limited, Research Division - Analyst : Two basic questions. One, after seeing the lockdown and operating in the present environment, have we changed any of our operations? And if yes, what are the kind of OpEx benefits structurally we are going to see in the next couple of quarters? Second question is that any changes that we have done to our credit engine in terms of increasing our LTV or changing any kind of negative areas, negative people -- negative kind of customers that we have added to our list. So these are my 2 questions.

Question: Rohan Mandora - Equirus Securities Private Limited, Research Division - Analyst : (inaudible) the moratorium number...

Question: Rohan Mandora - Equirus Securities Private Limited, Research Division - Analyst : Is it better?

Question: Rohan Mandora - Equirus Securities Private Limited, Research Division - Analyst : So sir, on this moratorium piece, the 14% which have not paid anything for the 6 months. So are you indicating that around 5% to 6% is such which have seen a pay cut or job losses? But for the reminder, in your discussions with the customer, what is the rationale for them on sitting or conserving the liquidity? Any thoughts on this? Are there...

Question: Rohan Mandora - Equirus Securities Private Limited, Research Division - Analyst : Sure. And sir, like, so in the 5% which we're seeing some pay cut but still paying, so what is the percentage which is under moratorium which is paying right now within that pool of pay cut customers?

Question: Rohan Mandora - Equirus Securities Private Limited, Research Division - Analyst : And sir, what percentage of the book would reprice over the next 6 months, the back book.

Question: Rohan Mandora - Equirus Securities Private Limited, Research Division - Analyst : Sure. And sir, lastly, on that remaining 14% which are under partial moratorium. So when they have started paying, they are clearing the entire EMI amount of the recent months...

Table Of Contents

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Thomson StreetEvents. "Can Fin Homes Ltd Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript" Aug 27, 2020. Alacra Store. May 17, 2024. <>
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