AstroNova Inc at Sidoti & Company May Micro-Cap Virtual Conference Transcript - Thomson StreetEvents

AstroNova Inc at Sidoti & Company May Micro-Cap Virtual Conference Transcript

AstroNova Inc at Sidoti & Company May Micro-Cap Virtual Conference Transcript - Thomson StreetEvents
AstroNova Inc at Sidoti & Company May Micro-Cap Virtual Conference Transcript
Published May 11, 2023
11 pages (6367 words) — Published May 11, 2023
Price US$ 54.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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Edited Transcript of ALOT.OQ presentation 11-May-23 2:45pm GMT

Brief Excerpt:

...Good morning. I'm Peter Sidoti, CEO of Sidoti & Company. With me today is Greg Woods from AstroNova. Ticker symbol is ALOT. We'll try something different for me, I don't think it's different for us as a group. But we're going to do this as a fireside chat, which I have not done before but having dealt with both Greg and AstroNova over the years, I'm pretty comfortable with knowing the story and knowing where we are. (Conference Instructions) We'll start now, and we hope to finish presentation that quarter after. So with that, I will turn to Greg who's the CEO of AstroNova. Maybe I'll just start with some general questions and work our way down....

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AstroNova Inc
2:45pm GMT
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The following is excerpted from the question-and-answer section of the transcript.

(Questions from industry analysts are provided in full, but answers are omitted - download the transcript to see the full question-and-answer session)

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Greg, why don't you first just start talking about and briefly discuss the business, the different lines that you are in at this point in time in terms of where we are because I know you have two lines. Just present revenue mix as well as maybe margins in the business.

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Yeah. So (inaudible) is always and company has always been able to be (inaudible) by themselves. So we've never hired an economist. Can you give me a -- it seems to be a very confusing time at this point in time in terms of looking at the economy, looking at what's coming up in the next 6 to 12 months? What's just your general view of what you expect in the next 6 to 12 months, but from a general economy business and how it may affect your business. I can see with test and measurement probably is less economically sensitive at this point. But what's your thought in terms of what you see coming down the pipe here?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Yeah, I know you had built up some inventory because of supply chain concerns and issues. How is the supply chain at this point in time have? Is everything for them in place?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : So if I remember correctly, with the inventories coming down, clearly, you'll be generating cash overall as a business from here in terms of where you stand?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : What do you think capital expenditure will be this year? How is it divided between the two sectors?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : And just keeping things at 10,000 feet right now, just what inflation and your ability to pass it along in pricing, how has that been? Do you see it easing at this point? What's going on the pricing side?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Just before (inaudible) talked, we've been talking about your acquisition of Astro Machine. That was a good-sized deal, relatively good-sized deal for you in terms of what's taken place recently? If you want, just talk about your success there and where that may roll out to new deals?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Wow, that's how it runs its own business I like and make money every month, so it's up to you.

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : But In terms of backlog, I mean, we can look at -- I guess you have some visibility as it works with Boeing and the airplane manufacturers. How about the rest? How long of visibility do you have in terms of revenue? Is the backlog something that's important to be looking at here? REFINITIV STREETEVENTS | | Contact Us consent of Refinitiv. 'Refinitiv' and the Refinitiv logo are registered trademarks of Refinitiv and its affiliated companies.

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : And in the aerospace arena, is it fair to say here the 800-pound gorilla at this point in time?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Well, it's interesting. When I get on a plane, they're still telling me how to use a seat belt, which I find amazing description. But as it relates to a flight deck printer, has there ever been any discussion not making that mandate ever being discontinued at any point in time?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : It is kind of interesting. On a general question, but from the audiences -- there can (inaudible), if we are spending a lot of money, stimulus packages over the next two to three years. Does that help you in any way hurt you in any way, what does that look like?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Is there any business that fits that you could expand into that you've looked into that kind of fits with what you're doing now while you're very comfortable with the two segments as they stand?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Right. Do you have to sell that product definitely? Do you use your existing sales team? How does that work and sell that product?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : You'd be amazed at the number of people who put stuff on their credit card when working with us just to get the points. In terms of where it goes, I'm always surprised by that where it goes. In terms of international, what percentage of business now is overseas? And do you see that growing quicker or slower here near term as China reopened?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : As we get towards the end here, I'll give you a nice two or four question. What do you like Wall Street misses the most when they look at AstroNova right now? REFINITIV STREETEVENTS | | Contact Us consent of Refinitiv. 'Refinitiv' and the Refinitiv logo are registered trademarks of Refinitiv and its affiliated companies.

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : - in terms of where it's best. Is there anything you'd like to say as we finish up, would you'd like to make that I've missed at this point?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : All right. One last question. When do you think March quarter results will be released?

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Okay. We'll get damaged, do some work there. (inaudible) I would like to thank very much, Greg, for the time and the support over the top over the years. And anything we could do, we'd love to help. Anyone who has a question, Greg would be more than happy to talk to you. You can contact them directly or you can contact somebody here with the Sidoti sales team. Thank you very much and have a great day.

Question: Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst : Bye bye. DISCLAIMER Refinitiv reserves the right to make changes to documents, content, or other information on this web site without obligation to notify any person of such changes. In the conference calls upon which Event Transcripts are based, companies may make projections or other forward-looking statements regarding a variety of items. Such forward-looking statements are based upon current expectations and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those stated in any forward-looking statement based on a number of important factors and risks, which are more specifically identified in the companies' most recent SEC filings. Although the companies may indicate and believe that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements are reasonable, any of the assumptions could prove inaccurate or incorrect and, therefore, there can be no assurance that the results contemplated in the forward-looking statements will be realized. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN EVENT TRANSCRIPTS IS A TEXTUAL REPRESENTATION OF THE APPLICABLE COMPANY'S CONFERENCE CALL AND WHILE EFFORTS ARE MADE TO PROVIDE AN ACCURATE TRANSCRIPTION, THERE MAY BE MATERIAL ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR INACCURACIES IN THE REPORTING OF THE SUBSTANCE OF THE CONFERENCE CALLS. IN NO WAY DOES REFINITIV OR THE APPLICABLE COMPANY ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INVESTMENT OR OTHER DECISIONS MADE BASED UPON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS WEB SITE OR IN ANY EVENT TRANSCRIPT. USERS ARE ADVISED TO REVIEW THE APPLICABLE COMPANY'S CONFERENCE CALL ITSELF AND THE APPLICABLE COMPANY'S SEC FILINGS BEFORE MAKING ANY INVESTMENT OR OTHER DECISIONS. REFINITIV STREETEVENTS | | Contact Us consent of Refinitiv. 'Refinitiv' and the Refinitiv logo are registered trademarks of Refinitiv and its affiliated companies.

Table Of Contents

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Thomson StreetEvents. "AstroNova Inc at Sidoti & Company May Micro-Cap Virtual Conference Transcript" May 11, 2023. Alacra Store. May 06, 2024. <>
Thomson StreetEvents. (2023). AstroNova Inc at Sidoti & Company May Micro-Cap Virtual Conference Transcript May 11, 2023. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved May 06, 2024 from <>
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