By Country Industry Forecasts > Germany - Oxford Economics Global Industry Forecasts

By Country Industry Forecasts > Germany

By Country Industry Forecasts > Germany - Oxford Economics Global Industry Forecasts
By Country Industry Forecasts > Germany
Published Dec 16, 2016
10 pages — Published Dec 16, 2016
Price US$ 250.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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Key Features: Broad Country and Industry Coverage. The service covers 68 countries across Europe, Asia, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa, where 85% of world business is conducted. Up to 85 manufacturing industries are covered per country, six service sectors and other relevant series (car sales, steel production, gross value added). 

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"The following represents a general Table of Contents outline for the By-Country Industry Forecasts. The actual report may cover any or all of the topics listed below.
By-Country Industry Forecasts
Overview briefings on the latest data on: GDP, manufacturing output growth forecasts, the fastest growing sectors in manufacturing, overall value of industrial production, share of consumption goods in total manufacturing output, construction output, overall industrial production, country specific world industrial production data forecasts.
Forecast in detail. Charts and tables detailing the following country specific information: Contribution to growth over the past ten years, economic overview indicating percentage contributions for nine different industries, industrial production indicating 11 years of historical data and two years of forecast data, output for construction, services, agriculture, forestry & fishing indicating 11 years of historical data and two years of forecast data, industry forecast for the country indicating annual percentage changes (six years of historical data and eight years of forecast data) for the following: agriculture, production, extraction, manufacturing, utilities, construction, and services.
Top ten fastest growing industries: annual percentage changes from the last year and forecasts for the next five years.
Top ten slowest growing industries: annual percentage changes from the last year and forecasts for the next five years.
Industrial forecast for the country in the following categories: NACE, percentage of manufacturing, US dollars (billions), average percentage growth from the past five years, average percentage growth forecast for next five years for the following industries: consumer non-durable goods (food, beverages & tobacco, textiles, leather & clothing, printing & publishing, pharmaceuticals, soaps, detergents, etc.), consumer durable goods (domestic appliances, consumer electronics, other), intermediate goods (wood & wood products, pulp & paper, fuel, basic chemicals, paints & varnishes, other chemicals, man-made fibres, rubbers & plastics, non-metallic minerals, basic metals, electronic fittings, other electrical equipment, electronic components), investment goods (metal products, general purpose machinery, special purpose machinery excluding domestic appliances, computers & office equipment, motors, generators & transformers, telecommunications equipment, precision & optical instruments, motor vehicles & parts, and other means of transport), and all manufacturing.
Industrial shares for the country in the following categories: NACE, and past year history and five year forecast for: percentage of manufacturing, percentage of GDP, and percentage of world output for the following industries: consumer non-durable goods (food, beverages & tobacco, textiles, leather & clothing, printing & publishing, pharmaceuticals, soaps, detergents, etc.), consumer durable goods (domestic appliances, consumer electronics, other), intermediate goods (wood & wood products, pulp & paper, fuel, basic chemicals, paints & varnishes, other chemicals, man-made fibres, rubbers & plastics, non-metallic minerals, basic metals, electronic fittings, other electrical equipment, electronic components), investment goods (metal products, general purpose machinery, special purpose machinery excluding domestic appliances, computers & office equipment, motors, generators & transformers, telecommunications equipment, precision & optical instruments, motor vehicles & parts, and other means of transport), and all manufacturing.
Total output table indicating: NACE rev2, Bn, local currency, annual percentage change, and average annual growth for five years of historical data and five years of forecast data.
Consumer non-durable goods table indicating: NACE rev2, Bn local currency, annual percentage change, and average annual growth for five years of historical data and five years of forecast data.
Consumer durable goods table indicating: NACE rev2, Bn local currency, annual percentage change, and average annual growth for five years of historical data and five years of forecast data.
Intermediate goods table indicating: NACE rev2, Bn local currency, annual percentage change, and average annual growth for five years of historical data and five years of forecast data.
Investment goods table indicating: NACE rev2, Bn local currency, annual percentage change, and average annual growth for five years of historical data and five years of forecast data.
Special categories table indicating: NACE rev2, Bn local currency, annual percentage change, and average annual growth for five years of historical data and five years of forecast data.

Table Of Contents

Oxford Economics Global Industry Forecasts—Oxford Economics Global Industry Forecasts provides country industry forecasts, monthly industry briefings, quarterly industry forecast tables, monthly industry data tables, and an industry databank.

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Oxford Economics Global Industry Forecasts. "By Country Industry Forecasts > Germany" Dec 16, 2016. Alacra Store. May 10, 2024. <>
Oxford Economics Global Industry Forecasts. (2016). By Country Industry Forecasts > Germany Dec 16, 2016. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved May 10, 2024 from <>
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