Construction in Australia - IBISWorld Industry Market Research

Construction in Australia

Construction in Australia - IBISWorld Industry Market Research
Construction in Australia
Published Oct 01, 2015
39 pages — Published Oct 01, 2015
Price US$ 910.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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The Construction division has endured widely divergent trends in downstream markets over the past five years. Subdued trends have prevailed in the building markets, while demand surged to record levels in the non-building construction market before winding back in recent years due to project completion. Contractors specialising in heavy engineering construction projects (e.g. structural steel erection and site preparation contractors) have benefited from the unprecedented private investment in mineral and energy developments and robust public investment in telecommunications and road infrastructure.

The division includes firms primarily involved in the construction of buildings, roads, railroads, irrigation projects, harbour or river works, water infrastructure, gas infrastructure, sewerage infrastructure, stormwater drains, electricity infrastructure, other transmission lines, pipelines, oil refineries and civil engineering projects. It also includes firms that carry out repairs and renovation, mine site preparation, demolitions or excavations and utilities installation.

The report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecast, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.

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IBISWorld Industry Market Research—IBISWorld is a leading strategic business information provider that offers comprehensive information on more than 700 US industries covering 4,000 individual product segments. They also provide global industry and industry risk rating reports covering Australia, the United Kingdom and China. IBISWorld data offers detailed analysis on growth trends, the competitive environment and key issues. Reports average 30 to 40 pages and contain figures; market characteristics; product, market and service segmentation; industry conditions, current and historical performance analysis; risk scores; industry participants and market share; factors to success; and 5-year forecasts with forecast analysis.

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IBISWorld Industry Market Research. "Construction in Australia" Oct 01, 2015. Alacra Store. Apr 19, 2024. <>
IBISWorld Industry Market Research. (2015). Construction in Australia Oct 01, 2015. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Apr 19, 2024 from <>
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