Corporate Derivative Use Continues to GrowDealers Say Not So Fast - Greenwich Associates LLC

Corporate Derivative Use Continues to GrowDealers Say Not So Fast

Corporate Derivative Use Continues to GrowDealers Say Not So Fast - Greenwich Associates LLC
Corporate Derivative Use Continues to GrowDealers Say Not So Fast
Published May 20, 2015
4 pages — Published May 20, 2015
Price US$ 1,500.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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As clients will continue to need the global reach of the largest money-center banks, the top four FX dealers seem firmly entrenched. Nevertheless, the market structure disruption that is upon us, combined with an increasingly volatile currency market, is making room for the rest of the top 10 to wrestle away share slowly but surelyboth on the screen and on the phone. In an evolution similar to Amazons, multidealer platforms will increasingly become the primary place to transact.MethodologyBetween September and November of 2014, Greenwich Associates conducted in-person interviews with 1,612 top-tier users of foreign exchange at large corporations and financial institutions in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Japan. To be considered top-tier, a firm must meet one of the following criteria: be a fund manager, hedge fund, central bank, retail aggregator, Fortune Global 500 firm, or treasury center; or have reported trading volume of more than $10 billion; or have sales of more than $5 billion.

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Greenwich Associates LLC—Greenwich Associates' principal business objective is to provide decision-makers in financial services with expert advice for their most critical strategic issues based upon a unique combination of comprehensive market research and in-depth analysis.

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Greenwich Associates LLC. "Corporate Derivative Use Continues to GrowDealers Say Not So Fast" May 20, 2015. Alacra Store. Apr 26, 2024. <>
Greenwich Associates LLC. (2015). Corporate Derivative Use Continues to GrowDealers Say Not So Fast May 20, 2015. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Apr 26, 2024 from <>
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