Saudi Arabia Retail Report - Business Monitor International - Industry Reports

Saudi Arabia Retail Report

Saudi Arabia Retail Report - Business Monitor International - Industry Reports
Saudi Arabia Retail Report
Published Oct 22, 2016
66 pages — Published Oct 22, 2016
Price US$ 1,295.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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Saudi Arabia is entering a protracted period of subdued growth, with low oil prices negatively impacting business confidence, banking liquidity and government spending. In addition, real growth in the oil sector will decelerate, further compounding the country s economic slowdown. ...Saudi Arabia is entering a protracted period of subdued growth, with low oil prices negatively impacting business confidence, banking liquidity and government spending. In addition, real growth in the oil sector will decelerate, further compounding the country s economic slowdown. We are therefore forecasting real economic growth of -.- in ---- and -.- in ----, down from -.- in ----. This year will mark the slowest growth rate for the Saudi economy since ----. Chinese technology firm Huawei has announced it has been awarded an investment licence to start operating in Saudi Arabia with --- ownership.

...Stricter enforcement of the Saudisation policy can further reduce the attractiveness of the country s labour market. A prolonged decline of oil price would lead to a decrease of the country s financial reserves resulting in less generous welfare policies and more conservative economic stimulus. ...Stricter enforcement of the Saudisation policy can further reduce the attractiveness of the country s labour market. A prolonged decline of oil price would lead to a decrease of the country s financial reserves resulting in less generous welfare policies and more conservative economic stimulus. Growing tensions in Yemen and other regions of the Middle East could delay economic integration in the GCC and the global economy. ...Growing tensions in Yemen and other regions of the Middle East could delay economic integration in the GCC and the global economy. Strong market position of the domestic and GCC-based retailers can prevent a substantial market expansion of foreign players.

...Small grocery stores (bakalas) account for most of the food retail market creating obstacles for the expansion of mass grocery retail. Conservativeness and the important role of religion dictate business culture requiring extensive knowledge about the customs and laws. ...

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Business Monitor International - Industry Reports. "Saudi Arabia Retail Report" Oct 22, 2016. Alacra Store. Apr 19, 2024. <>
Business Monitor International - Industry Reports. (2016). Saudi Arabia Retail Report Oct 22, 2016. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Apr 19, 2024 from <>
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