Denmark Tourism Report - Business Monitor International - Industry Reports

Denmark Tourism Report

Denmark Tourism Report - Business Monitor International - Industry Reports
Denmark Tourism Report
Published Oct 22, 2016
27 pages — Published Oct 22, 2016
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Total arrivals, --- (LHS) Total arrivals, ---, y-o-y (RHS) ---- ---- ----e ----f ----f ----f ----f ----f - -,--- -,--- -,--- -,--- - - - - - - e/f = BMI estimate/forecast. Source: National sources, BMI Denmark is dependent on Europe as its main source market, with around --.- of all inbound arrivals coming from the region over ----. ...As such it is unlikely that the status quo will change: Europe will grow at around the same rate as overall inbound arrivals (around -.- annually), whilst the second largest source market (North America, -.- of arrivals) will see slower growth. Denmark s three largest source markets are Sweden, Norway, and Germany, and arrivals from each of these countries is expected to grow steadily over the forecast period, though growth in arrivals from Norway will be somewhat outpaced by Sweden and Germany. Business links and proximity are the main drivers behind this, with the neighbouring countries also enjoying high levels of transport links that facilitate easy travel throughout the region. ...Business links and proximity are the main drivers behind this, with the neighbouring countries also enjoying high levels of transport links that facilitate easy travel throughout the region. The UK is the fourth largest market and the fastest growing significant source market

...Overall, the tourism industry in Denmark should experience a solid few years ahead as inbound arrivals from key source markets continue to grow and the country develops its supporting infrastructure, including the hotel and transport networks. Copenhagen in particular has experienced growth in tourism over the past few years, and should expect to claim a disproportionate amount of new visitors as well, being home to the most recognised attractions and the easiest air travel connection for many markets. ...Overall, the tourism industry in Denmark should experience a solid few years ahead as inbound arrivals from key source markets continue to grow and the country develops its supporting infrastructure, including the hotel and transport networks. Copenhagen in particular has experienced growth in tourism over the past few years, and should expect to claim a disproportionate amount of new visitors as well, being home to the most recognised attractions and the easiest air travel connection for many markets. The mix in source markets will remain stable, with Europeans making up the majority of arrivals (particularly from neighbouring countries). ...With budgets in the country tight, it is unlikely that huge amounts will be invested by the government in developing tourist areas, and currently private industry does not see the country as a key priority. As such, there will be limited development over the next five years, though in light of the size of the domestic and inbound market the existing infrastructure is more than sufficient to meet existing demand.

...The Danish tourism market represents -.- of the Danish economy, and is a mature market that contributes significantly to the country. Total inbound arrivals reached -.-mn in ---- (an impressive amount considering the total population of Denmark numbers around -.-mn) after growing -.- . ...

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Business Monitor International - Industry Reports. "Denmark Tourism Report" Oct 22, 2016. Alacra Store. Jun 03, 2024. <>
Business Monitor International - Industry Reports. (2016). Denmark Tourism Report Oct 22, 2016. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Jun 03, 2024 from <>
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