Oman and Yemen Country Risk Report - Business Monitor International - Business Forecast Reports

Oman and Yemen Country Risk Report

Oman and Yemen Country Risk Report - Business Monitor International - Business Forecast Reports
Oman and Yemen Country Risk Report
Published Oct 19, 2016
62 pages — Published Oct 19, 2016
Price US$ 1,195.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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The political index is an indicator of political stability, seen as a pre-requisite for a stable economy and business environment. The long-term political score considers more structural elements such as: Is there a functioning democracy? ...Have recent governments pursued similar, enlightened policies amid a stable political environment? The short-term political score considers more transient influences such as: Have there been recent large-scale demonstrations or strikes? To what extent have these threatened the political status quo? ...What is the current position in the political cycle � to what extent is this contributing to political risk? Is the government having trouble passing legislation?

...Benefiting from considerable oil resources and having a stable politi- cal risk profile (compared with regional peers), Oman ranks favourably in our proprietary Operational Risk Index for the Middle East and North Africa region. The government has allocated significant funds to improve sectors such as infrastructure, healthcare and tourism, which in turn has attracted foreign investors. ...The government has allocated significant funds to improve sectors such as infrastructure, healthcare and tourism, which in turn has attracted foreign investors. Indeed, a transparent legal system and relatively low bureaucracy are the main features setting Oman s busi- ness environment apart, and as long as the political outlook remains stable the country will continue to be perceived as investor-friendly. That said, the intensification of Omanisation measures � attempts to replace expatriates in the private sector with local staff � raises the costs for firms, and increases long-term policy uncertainty. ...Indeed, a transparent legal system and relatively low bureaucracy are the main features setting Oman s busi- ness environment apart, and as long as the political outlook remains stable the country will continue to be perceived as investor-friendly. That said, the intensification of Omanisation measures � attempts to replace expatriates in the private sector with local staff � raises the costs for firms, and increases long-term policy uncertainty.


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Business Monitor International - Business Forecast Reports—BMI's range of 97 Business Forecast Reports provides in-depth data, analysis and forecasts over a five-year horizon for the world's leading markets. The reports provide an appraisal of political risk, macroeconomic performance and outlook, leading industry sectors and business environment.

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Business Monitor International - Business Forecast Reports. "Oman and Yemen Country Risk Report" Oct 19, 2016. Alacra Store. Apr 26, 2024. <>
Business Monitor International - Business Forecast Reports. (2016). Oman and Yemen Country Risk Report Oct 19, 2016. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Apr 26, 2024 from <>
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