Summary: Richmond Hospital Authority, Indiana   Reid Hospital; Hospital - S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research

Summary: Richmond Hospital Authority, Indiana Reid Hospital; Hospital

Summary: Richmond Hospital Authority, Indiana   Reid Hospital; Hospital - S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research
Summary: Richmond Hospital Authority, Indiana Reid Hospital; Hospital
Published Sep 21, 2023
5 pages (2070 words) — Published Sep 21, 2023
Price US$ 225.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term rating to 'BBB+' from 'A-' on the Richmond Hospital Authority, Ind.'s series 2022, 2016B, and 2015A fixed-rate bonds issued for Reid Hospital (doing business as Reid Health). At the same time, we lowered our underlying rating (SPUR) to 'BBB+' from 'A-' on the series 2022 fixed-rate bonds. The outlook is stable. The rating action reflects our view of Reid's trend of accelerating operating losses and weak maximum annual debt service (MADS) coverage and commensurate balance sheet deterioration. The rating action also reflects our view of Reid's higher debt burden following its 2022 issuance for the construction of the Connersville Hospital, as well as execution risk associated with the project. Gross revenue secures the bonds.

Brief Excerpt:

...+ S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term rating to '###+' from 'A-' on the Richmond Hospital Authority, Ind.'s series 2022, 2016B, and 2015A fixed-rate bonds issued for Reid Hospital (doing business as Reid Health). + At the same time, we lowered our underlying rating (SPUR) to '###+' from 'A-' on the series 2022 fixed-rate bonds. + The outlook is stable. + The rating action reflects our view of Reid's trend of accelerating operating losses and weak maximum annual debt service (MADS) coverage and commensurate balance sheet deterioration. The rating action also reflects our view of Reid's higher debt burden following its 2022 issuance for the construction of the Connersville Hospital, as well as execution risk associated with the project....

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S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research. "Summary: Richmond Hospital Authority, Indiana Reid Hospital; Hospital" Sep 21, 2023. Alacra Store. Oct 23, 2024. <>
S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research. (). Summary: Richmond Hospital Authority, Indiana Reid Hospital; Hospital Sep 21, 2023. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Oct 23, 2024 from <>
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