BANKINTER 11, FTH - Moody's Global Credit Research


BANKINTER 11, FTH - Moody's Global Credit Research
Published Dec 12, 2023
6 pages (3841 words) — Published Dec 12, 2023
Price US$ 750.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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...Contacts Jesus Leonardo Brunetto, +49 697 0730885, Bongani Dlamini, +33-1-5330-1074, Client Service Desk London: +4420-7772-5454, Monitoring

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Performance Overview

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BANKINTER 11, FTH - Performance Overview – 2024/05/29 – US$ 750.00 – ...Interest on Series B is deferred when the principal deficiency amount exceeds the sum of 98% of outstanding amount of Series B, the outstanding amount of C and D balances and Series A1 and A2 are not fully redeemed...

BANKINTER 11, FTH - Performance Overview – 2024/03/01 – US$ 750.00 – ...Contacts Giovanni Mascali, +020 7772 1876, Bongani Dlamini, +33-1-5330-1074, Client Service Desk London: +4420-7772-5454, Monitoring

BANKINTER 11, FTH - Performance Overview – 2023/09/04 – US$ 750.00 – ...Interest on Series B is deferred when the principal deficiency amount exceeds the sum of 98% of outstanding amount of Series B, the outstanding amount of C and D balances and Series A1 and A2 are not fully redeemed...

BANKINTER 11, FTH - Performance Overview – 2023/06/12 – US$ 750.00 – ...Interest on Series B is deferred when the principal deficiency amount exceeds the sum of 98% of outstanding amount of Series B, the outstanding amount of C and D balances and Series A1 and A2 are not fully redeemed...

BANKINTER 11, FTH - Performance Overview – 2023/03/01 – US$ 750.00 – ...Interest on Series B is deferred when the principal deficiency amount exceeds the sum of 98% of outstanding amount of Series B, the outstanding amount of C and D balances and Series A1 and A2 are not fully redeemed...

BANKINTER 11, FTH - Performance Overview – 2022/12/05 – US$ 750.00 – ...Interest on Series B is deferred when the principal deficiency amount exceeds the sum of 98% of outstanding amount of Series B, the outstanding amount of C and D balances and Series A1 and A2 are not fully redeemed...

BANKINTER 11, FTH - Performance Overview – 2022/09/01 – US$ 750.00 – ...Interest on Series B is deferred when the principal deficiency amount exceeds the sum of 98% of outstanding amount of Series B, the outstanding amount of C and D balances and Series A1 and A2 are not fully redeemed...

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Moody's Global Credit Research—Moody's Investors Service, a leading global credit rating, research and risk analysis firm, publishes credit opinions, research, and ratings on fixed-income securities, issuers of securities and other credit obligations. Credit ratings and research help investors analyze the credit risks associated with fixed-income securities. Ratings also create efficiencies in fixed-income markets and similar obligations, such as insurance and derivatives, by providing reliable, credible, and independent assessments of credit risk. For issuers, Moody's services increase market liquidity and may reduce transaction costs.

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Moody's Global Credit Research. "BANKINTER 11, FTH" Dec 12, 2023. Alacra Store. Jul 26, 2024. <>
Moody's Global Credit Research. (). BANKINTER 11, FTH Dec 12, 2023. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Jul 26, 2024 from <>
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