Credit Cards: Asset Quality Review 1Q09 - Fitch Research

Credit Cards: Asset Quality Review 1Q09

Credit Cards: Asset Quality Review 1Q09 - Fitch Research
Credit Cards: Asset Quality Review 1Q09
Published May 04, 2009
11 pages (7607 words) — Published May 04, 2009
Price US$ 999.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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...Credit card asset quality metrics surpassed historical peaks in the first quarter as the unemployment rate surged 130 basis points and Fitch believes end-of-quarter delinquency levels, combined with low recovery prospects, signal material deterioration in card losses in the second quarter. The higher portfolio losses combined with lower spend volume and smaller loan portfolios are expected to challenge card segment profitability in 2009. Still, Fitch expects issuers with less dependence on interest spread income, like American Express, will fare relatively better. Long-Term IDR...

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Fitch Research. "Credit Cards: Asset Quality Review 1Q09" May 04, 2009. Alacra Store. Oct 23, 2024. <>
Fitch Research. (). Credit Cards: Asset Quality Review 1Q09 May 04, 2009. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Oct 23, 2024 from <>
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