Sovereign Debt Ratings and Analysis
Alacra Store aggregates sovereign debt ratings, analysis, and research from the three largest Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organizations in the world -- Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch. In addition, we provide Country Risk Ratings from the Economist Intelligence Unit.
With continuing troubles for the Eurozone, Southern Europe, and parts of South America, research on the sovereign debt market has become required reading for corporate executives and investors globally to ensure financial and physical investments are able to provide the expected returns.
Each of the ratings agencies provides its own unique view on the risk characteristics of a country's sovereign debt as well as the implications for banks and financial institutions holding significant portfolios of government paper. Developed country and emerging market sovereign debt is covered by each agency.
Special reports highlight the global economic outlook; cross-border debt exposures; key drivers for upgrades and downgrades; the impact of political risk on sovereign debt markets; transfer and convertibility assessments; covered bonds; and more.
Alacra also provides detailed economic research from publishers such as the Economist Intelligence Unit, Datamonitor, Oxford Analytics, and Oxford Economics.