Asia-Pacific Financial Institutions Monitor 4Q 2021: Evergrande, Southeast Asia Risks, And The Digital Dilemma - S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research

Asia-Pacific Financial Institutions Monitor 4Q 2021: Evergrande, Southeast Asia Risks, And The Digital Dilemma

Asia-Pacific Financial Institutions Monitor 4Q 2021: Evergrande, Southeast Asia Risks, And The Digital Dilemma - S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research
Asia-Pacific Financial Institutions Monitor 4Q 2021: Evergrande, Southeast Asia Risks, And The Digital Dilemma
Published Oct 19, 2021
21 pages (7585 words) — Published Oct 19, 2021
Price US$ 600.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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A shaky Chinese property sector and lower growth forecasts in Southeast Asia loom as threats to a stabilizing prognosis for Asia-Pacific banks. Our net rating outlook bias for Asia-Pacific financial institutions is clawing its way out of deeply negative territory toward neutral ground. As of Aug. 31, 2021, the net outlook bias had improved to about -1%: this is up from -6% as of May 31, 2021; and -18% as of Oct. 31, 2020, during the depths of COVID-19. The stabilizing trend, however, belies the potential for downside risks to intensify and in turn affect ratings. The past quarter was tough for banks in some jurisdictions. Notably, the spillover effects from property sector risks in China are heightened as the

Brief Excerpt:

...- Asia-Pacific banks are stabilizing, but downside risks lurk in some jurisdictions. - The China property sector is under pressure, and growth forecasts are lower across Southeast Asia. These risks are problematic for banks. - Emerging trends--including digitalization technologies and an increasingly strong investor focus on ESG risks--could have profound effects on Asia-Pacific banks. A shaky Chinese property sector and lower growth forecasts in Southeast Asia loom as threats to a stabilizing prognosis for Asia-Pacific banks. Our net rating outlook bias for Asia-Pacific financial institutions is clawing its way out of deeply negative territory toward neutral ground. As of Aug. 31, 2021, the net outlook bias had improved to about -1%: this is up from -6% as of May 31, 2021; and -18% as of Oct. 31, 2020, during the depths of COVID-19. The stabilizing trend, however, belies the potential for downside risks to intensify and in turn affect ratings. The past quarter was tough for banks in some...

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Global Issuers, Public Finance, Structured Finance
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S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research—S&P Global Ratings’ credit research provides analysis on issuers and debt obligations of corporations, states and municipalities, financial institutions, insurance companies and sovereign governments. S&P Global Ratings also offers insight into the credit risk of structured finance deals, providing an independent view of credit risk associated with a growing array of debt-securitized instruments.

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S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research. "Asia-Pacific Financial Institutions Monitor 4Q 2021: Evergrande, Southeast Asia Risks, And The Digital Dilemma" Oct 19, 2021. Alacra Store. Apr 20, 2024. <>
S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research. (). Asia-Pacific Financial Institutions Monitor 4Q 2021: Evergrande, Southeast Asia Risks, And The Digital Dilemma Oct 19, 2021. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Apr 20, 2024 from <>
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